Transvilles is the trading name of the Valenciennes public transport network managed by the SIMOUV, an inter-municipality association encompassing the agglomeration communities within the Valenciennes Métropole and Porte du Hainaut urban area, as well as the city of Hornaing, i.e. 75 municipalities in total. Transvilles is also responsible for parking on public roadways and manages the underground car parks of Valenciennes.
The SIMOUV subcontracts the operation of its network to a private company, within the scope of a public service delegation system.
Mode(s) of transport offered:

Areas served:
Contact information:
In the event of a dispute over the conditions of application of the contract of carriage, you may enter in writing the RATP Group Ombudsman if you are not satisfied with the response provided by the Customer Service Department at the following address: mediateurgroupe.ratp.fr - Médiatrice Groupe RATP - LAC LC12 - 54 quai de la Rapée - 75599 Paris Cedex 12