The ADAV (Hauts-de-France regional right to cycle association), created in 1982, aims to:
- promote and facilitate the adoption of active forms of travel (walking and cycling) and, in general, all environmentally friendly modes of transport, as preferred travel options.
- represent cyclists and pedestrians, and improve their safety.
In December 2017, the association had more than 2000 members. With their collaboration, the association implements awareness-raising and information campaigns, and suggestion improvements to the region's road system, particularly in the Nord and Pas-de-Calais departments.
The ADAV is a member of the FUB (federation of bicycle users), the AF3V (association of cycle path users), the MRES (regional office for the environment and solidarity), and other organisations.
The ADAV is a force for change in terms of travel by bicycle and on foot, recognised by numerous local authorities and public bodies in the Hauts-de-France region (SMIRT, DREAL, CEREMA, Hauts-de-France regional express trains, etc.).
It also works in partnership with various Nord and Pas-de-Calais departmental authorities, including the departmental councils and town councils within these two departments, and the urban communities of Lille, Arras and Dunkirk.
Since 2012, the ADAV has coordinated the CREM (eco-transport regional resource centre), which aims to create a network of parties involved in eco-friendly school transport for the Hauts-de-France region, and to offer guidance to public policy-makers in relation to transport. This initiative is funded primarily by the Hauts-de-France regional council and the ADEME (France's agency for the environment and energy).
You'll find maps and more information here.
Mode(s) of transport offered:

Areas served:
Contact information: