
Day formula

The Day Package (economical from 3 trips!) Allows you to make an unlimited number of trips on the entire Tadao network for 24 hours! On sale on board buses (excluding bubble 1 and 2), in Tadao shops, on Automatic Ticket Vending Machines (DAT), on the E-shop and in Tadao points of sale.

Network(s) : TADAO

Target market(s) : All audiences

Validity duration : 1 day

Frequency : Casual

Fares : 3,30€

PassPass card available : Yes

Supporting documents required : No

Monthly TER'Étude pass

The regional TER'Étude pass is a TER regional express train season ticket aimed at students and apprentices under 26 years of age, valid between their home and place of study or placement.

Network(s) : TER

Target market(s) : Youngster

Validity duration : 1 month

Frequency : Regular

Fares : Tarif sous conditions

PassPass card available : No

Supporting documents required : No